This shocking short story “The Veldt” (1950) written by “Ray Bradbury” Follows the live of a family who has recently purchased a happy life home, which comes complete with, stoves that cook meals, unattended walls that respond to every thought, rooms that automatically adjust lighting, showers that assist in bathing, a nursery that has crystalline walls that immediately transform into whatever scene or atmosphere a child desires.
This animated scene from the film “WALL-E” (2008), directed by “Andrew Stantor” and “Pete Docter” delivers the future that is set in 2700, when earth has become a ghost town. The story follows a robot named WALL-E, who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth. He eventually falls in love with another robot named EVE, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity. In both of these stories it is shown a struggle between men forces versus machine forces. It is also shown that you cannot always rely on technology to much.
In the short story “The Veldt” when Wendy and Peter were gone to a special plastic carnival across town, George Hadley, bemused, sat watching the dining-room table produce warm dishes of food from its mechanical interior. “We forgot the ketchup”, he said. “Sorry”, said a small voice within the table and ketchup appeared (3). This is basically showing that the house is doing everything for them.
In the scene of the animated film “WALL-E” when everyone is riding around on a floating chair instead of walking and everything is being done for them and people are having electronic conversations where they do not have to meet each other face to face, this guys that is on one of the floating chairs says “pot over here” and the pot appears to be in his hands and when he finishes he says to WALL-E “here take the cup”. While he says that he falls over to the floor and he cannot help himself up. This is relating to the same concept as the story “Veldt”. In both stories it is shown that technology is not always the greatest thing to reply on and if you site in one place for your entire life, you would not learn or have an experience on doing anything and you basically live for nothing.
Thanks dude